Tuesday, March 02, 2004

The Monks, The Chapels and The Monasteries

Monks get together in Sege Monastery to debate religious issues

And people are watching

The chapel, Dreprung Monastery

The chapel housekeeper spent his afternoon reading books, Sege Monastery

The wheel of life and the unity knot on a giant sunblock, and a little beggar entertaining himself with junks and food

He said he drank sixty cups of yak butter tea per day. Staying in a little retreat house at the hill top of Sege Monastery

Samye Monastery

Dreprung Monastery, once the world biggest.

but destoryed by red-guards years ago

Chapel, in Dreprung Monastery

Sunday, February 29, 2004

The Holy Sky Burial

The driver. On the way to Drigung Monastery

The dead bodys are wrapped with white clothes. And the monks pray for their death.

Death bodys and their meat are cut apart, while flying eagles are waiting for their meals

The burial platform, we are not allowed to take photos

Disgusted and exhausted